Easy to Grow Indoor Plants * Adding Some Fresh Green to Your Home

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Adding Some Fresh Green Plants to Your Home

I have been into house plants lately and want to add more to my home. I’ve been researching easy-to-grow indoor plants and wanted to share will you some of the interesting and helpful info I’ve found. There’s nothing like a bit of fresh green to add to the coziness of home.

Jade Plant

Crassula ovata, or the jade plant, is also known as the lucky money tree. If you’re looking for a great durable plant that is easy to care for the Jade plant is for you! This succulent is snow growing but can grow up to 6 feet tall.

Jade plants are easy to propagate which means you can grow more plants from your main plant and fill out all sections of your home or give some as gifts too.

Care: light with

ZZ Plant


Zamioculcas Zamiifolia or the ZZ plant or the Zanzibar Gem is an easy low light plant. I love the shiny oval deep green leaves of the ZZ.

Care: Can tolerate everything from bright indirect sun to low light with well-drained soil.

Snake Plant

Sansevieria or Mother-in-Laws Tongue has a long pointed leaf that is almost waxy. I love the look of this plant but I’m not in love with the name. Snakes and mother-in-law’s tongues?? I hope my daughter’s-in-law think of me as kind and loving! As for snakes, I can leave them but this plant I will take! I love the upward movement of the leaves.

NASA researched the Snake Plant and found that they help clean the air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.
Care: Snake plants are great in low light, require very little watering, and will endure if you forget to water them.

English Ivy

Hedera helix or English Ivy is such a lovely plant. I love growing Ivy indoors. I love the shape of the leaves, I love that they trail along so nicely and make a great handing plant or can be trained around a frame for a topiary.

Care: Ivy does like bright in-direct sunlight so this is a plant to house near a window. Keep the soil moist but not too wet and don’t let it dry out.