How to Boil Eggs } Easy to Peel Boiled Eggs Method

I have always loved eating boiled eggs but avoided them because of sore fingers after peeling them. This easy-to-peel method will thrill you once you give it a try. Don’t worry the eggs won’t crack anymore than placing them in boiling water versus placing them in cold water and bringing them to a boil.


How do you get boiled eggs to peel easily?

It’s really very simple. You won’t believe how easily this simple reverse in method works!




5 Ultimate Banana Bread Recipe From Your Favorite Food Bloggers

Hot coffee, latte, americano, tea etc. on a brisk fall morning topped off with a steamy warm slice of buttered banana bread is my idea of beginning the day perfectly. We’ve gathered a few of the very best banana bread recipes from our favorite food bloggers including The Classic Vintage’s recipe for banana bread that rivals the delicious banana bread at Starbucks.

If you give any of these tasty recipes a try let us know what you think in the comments. We would love to see photos too!

Fresh Basil & Jalapeno Omelete Recipe


Omelettes are a keto diet staple food. They are a perfect food for someone doing the keto diet on a budget. This omelette recipe is so tasty and filling, you are going to love it! It's a great low carb breakfast idea or for any low carb keto diet meal! 

Weekends call for delicious brunches. I have a nice bunch of basil in my garden that needed to be picked and some nice beautiful jalapenos ready to harvest too.  Emmi sent me some of their Cave-Aged Le Gruyére try so I decided to add a bit of this rich nutty flavored cheese that pairs perfectly with the fresh green flavors. Add some garlic and farm fresh eggs to make a delicious breakfast or brunch meal.
An omelet is also a tasty quick dinner too that doesn't taste like a quick dinner.
I like to make one big omelet slice it and serve it on a platter so everyone can choose the size they would like to eat.

Fresh Basil & Jalapeno Omelete Recipe 

Serves 4

  • 6 eggs

  • 1/4 cup cream

  • gruyére cheese

  • 1 clove garlic

  • small bunch of fresh basil

  • 1 fresh jalapeno

  • salt and black pepper to taste

  • tablespoon butter

There are two techniques used in making a creamy perfectly cooked omelette. First is whipping the cream and eggs together. Crush and mice the garlic, chop the jalapeno into small pieces, add salt and pepper to taste and whip into eggs. 

Add butter to a medium size frying pan. Heat on medium heat. Add eggs mixture to pan.

The second technique is to allow the eggs to cook on the bottom they pull the edges into the center with a wooden spoon allowing the uncooked eggs to fill in the sides and cook. Repeat this until all the eggs are almost cooked. At this point add the Gruyére cheese. You can either slice it into thin slices or grate it. Then fold the omelette in half and cook just until the cheese is melted. 

With these two techniques you will end up with a cream delicious center and perfectly cooked eggs that aren't dry. 

Slice and garish with a sprig of fresh basil and slices of fresh jalapeno.  
