Spring | Lemon Love | A Few Lemon Favs


New on Simply the Sweet Life are Seasonal Themes of my favorite things! For spring I chose lemons, lemon love!

I’ve had a life long love of lemons. When I was very young around 4 or 5 when I went with my grandma and mother shoppping I would always ask for the plastic lemons with lemon juice in them for my treat. I love lemon yellow and and butter cream yellow colors. I love to scent of lemons and lemon essential oil.

To start off the Lemon Love Spring here are some of my favorite lemon things!

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Yellow Microplane Lemon Zester

I got this lemon zester a few years ago and it has been my go to zester for all things citrus. I use it for my Lemon Keylime Bars!

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Lemon Vanilla Bean Soy Candle

This candle has creamy lemon vanilla scent, a 100% cotton wick and free from paraffin!


Lemon Pure Essential Oil

I diffuse the now lemon essential oil in my kitchen daily


Lemon Botanical Dish Towels

I love these dish towels and this set comes with a bonus lemon juice press!


EO Coconut + Lemon Body Lotion

This is my go to daily lotion. It’s a pure basic lotion free from petrochemicals.

So many more lemony good things coming throughout spring!