How to Open Champagne

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There comes a time in everyone’s life where they wonder…. what is the right way to open the champagne or any sparkling wine including prosecco. Because we don’t want to waste a single drop of the good bubby. Save the saber tricks for cheap sparkling wine. Here is the best way to open champagne.

How to Open Champagne

  • First, make sure your champagne is chilled to about 40 degrees which is the average fridge temperature. This will help prevent the cork from releasing too fast.

    SWEET TIP: If chilling in ice add water to chill faster!

  • Using a wine key cut off the foil.

    SWEET TIP: Amazon has a great selection of all-in-one wine tools. Plus, they make a great house warming or groomsman gift!

  • Untwist the wire cage. Be sure to put pressure on the cork and to cover the cork with the palm of your hand to prevent premature cork release.

  • Holding the cork twist the bottle to loosen.

  • Gently remove the cork controlling the pressure

  • Wipe the top of the bottle and serve to pour the champagne down the side of the glass to save the bubbles

  • Enjoy!